Kategori: Yazılar
Türkiye’de Öğrenci Olmak (İngilizce)
TO BE A STUDENT (in Turkey) To be a student in our country is neither easy nor hard work. If you just live to fun, you can do this easily. Sometimes you should find a way to pass the exam. If you want to be good life, you should do your on time work. But…
Yenilikçi Öğretmen (İngilizce)
INNOVATIVE TEACHER Surely, a teacher should has many characteristics. But I think most important one of them is to be innovative person. Time is passing and everything is changing. Every students are differents. But generation is similar. So the teacher should conform with the students and create new ways to teach. To be ready to…
Teknolojinin İyi Yönleri (İngilizce)
Good Part of Technology The Technology is both good and also bad. That’s ‘however you want’. But I’m writing about good part of technology. In these days, people are using technological tools in everywhere of life. First, people can make contact with others, and distance doesn’t matter with internet. Second, people has a easier life…
Doğayı Korumak ya da Dünyayı Kurtarmak (İngilizce)
Protect The Nature or Save The World We need to nature from birth until death. So, We should protect the nature. But “What can we do?” or “How can we do?” Firstly, We should be sensitive. Second, We can plant a tree. In this way, We can steak nature’s claim. Just think! If you have…
Daha İyi Bir Sanayi (İngilizce)
A Better Industry Every developed country has a better industry. Better industry means to be better life. First, If a country has a large industry. It can do home production. Second, We need to become economically independent. So, We have sound industry. Third, We should support the projects in this sector. Fourth, We should esteem…
Türkiye’nin Nüfusu (İngilizce)
Population of Turkey A developed country needs to young people. That’s employes and costumers. Nowadays, Turkey has a equilibrium population. But this situation isn’t fixed. First, old population is on the rise. Because people are living for a long time. Second, people are adopting (so-called) the modern live. So they don’t want to many children…
Nesillerin Fikir Ayrılığı (İngilizce)
Conflict of Generations Even sometimes, people don’t get on with others. So, conflict of generations is normal. “Everything changes every time.” For example; turnouts, hair styles, musics… First, every generations think differently. Because there are some new and old things in their life. They affect to generations. Second, old generations act hypersensitive to new generations.…
Sanal Hayatım (İngilizce)
My Online Live I’m interested in technology since my childhood. Specially I have been doing on web for 5 years. Until this time, I got a lot of experience in this job. For example, in the beginning, I only helped to people. Then, I got new experiences and learned new things. I wanted to…
Tembelliğim (İngilizce)
My Laziness (in Other’s opinion) I couldn’t find to “be bad at work” for me. So I’m writing about my laziness. Laziness is a interesting habit, particularly in this century. Because it has a new meaning now. In other words, it isn’t not to work. It is less work or find a easy way for…