İngilizce Münazara için Yazı

Sınıf içerisinde İngilizce münazara yaptık bizim konumuz Türkiye’de nükleer santralin gerekli olmadığıydı karşı grubun ise gerekli olduğu. Münazarayı kaybettik, o zaman sesinin daha baskın olmasının haklı olmandan daha çok getirisi olduğunu farkettim.

Okul kantinlerinden de hep nefret ettim.

İşte münazara için hazırladığım yazı;

We accept that the using nuclear energy is gainfully but this is only until it gives problem because it’s problem’s results cause very big economic damage with destruction in health. For this reason building nuclear power plant’s mean is sacrificing nation’s future. For examples thousands liter of milk was taken out because of fire which was in Windscale Reactor 1 in Sellafield England in 1957. Also 30 settlement’s names were deleted on map because of explasion which was in nuclear slop tank in Russia in 1957 and in 1979 in Three  Mile Island’s power station core melted partly so 3500 children and women were discharged from Pennsylvania ABD. In 1986, in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, core melted and the explosion exposed radioactive clouds to Europe blowing 1000 tonner roof up, it effected to very big area and it’s damages result’s still can be seen. 90 percent of 800.000 people who worked to clean explosion’s area, are disable to now. 350.000 people who lived nearby reactor, gave up their home farever. Even in Turkey, cacer’s rate increased because of this disaster and 2 employees died in Japan in nuclear station because of radiadion illness in 1999.  In Mihama because of steam explosion 5 employees died. In spite of the high security the reactor was closed in 2006. In America David Besse Reactor was closed for 2 years. It’s amount is 600 million USD. In France 30.000 liter radioactive liquid was mixed up in river. Also in 2011 in Japan, because of the earthquake, cores of three reactors melted. It was the second biggest nuclear disaster.

. Everyyear, average 900 event happen in only  France’s nuclear plants. Namely there is probability of disaster eternally. Also countries which lived nuclear disaster, are developed or have a large place but if Turkey have a problem about of nuclear plant, it can’t pick itself up, because Turkey don’t have enough technology and pecuniary resource. Also we had already seen that in İzmir. A factory fused nuclear sticks and it embeded they with slops but people still travel on this radioactive slops and the göverment don’t provide. This is a smaller problem than nuclear problems. However we can’t manage this. Also entering to Turkey of this nuclear sticks is illegal. For all of this reasons nuclear power plant shouldn’t be  in Turkey.

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“İngilizce Münazara için Yazı” için 2 yanıt

  1. mike avatarı

    hocam içerik iyi lakin gramer maalesef çok kötü

    1. Mrs.BytE avatarı

      Geri dönüşünüz için teşekkür ederim, bunlar zaten hazırlık okuduğum dönemde yazdığım yazılar yani grameri kötü olabilir sadece insanlara fikir vermesi açısından paylaştım.

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