Bir şeylerin iyi ve kötü taraflarını ayıran yazılar istendiğinde konumuz genelde bu olur. Bilgisayar, teknoloji, elektrik bu tarz şeyler işte. Tabi bir arkadaşım “kapı zili” ni tercih etmişti iyi ve kötü taraflarını anlatmak için. Her şey sizin yaratıcılığınıza kalmış.
Technology has good sides and bad sides, like everything. I think good side of technology is larger than bad side of technology. Anybody can’t refuse it because there is technology in all area of our lifes. Now everyone use technology in thir lifes. For example phone, computer, tv, printer, camera and most important thing is writing. It is impossible to get off technology from life. Also technology is important to medicine and business. Finally I hope technology will be better than today.
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